Sunday, September 27, 2009


We did a short unit on Owls at preschool this week. Owen LOVED it! I think it is because the first two letters in owl are the same as in Owen. He figured out how to spell it immediately. For days after school was over he pretended to be the teacher and tell me about the owls. His favorite is the snowy owl. He'll spell, "O--W--E--N likes O--W--L!"

Telling me about the snowy owl


Aly, Hailey, Owen and I took a drive to Micke's Grove Zoo last week. We met my Mom there to feed the Lorikeets, walk around the zoo, and have a picnic in the park.

The Lorikeets were super friendly and hungry! They climbed all over us!

Mother Goose Preschool Week 6

Our week to host preschool rolled around again! This time I was on my own - no mommy helpers. The days went really well! We learned about Fall, Johnny Appleseed, and Kindness. Owen's Aunt Jaclyn showed the kiddos kindness with her generous gift of books. Thank you Aunt Jaclyn!

Painting apple circles

Scooping and measuring bird seed

Hula Hoopin'

Looking at our new books from Aunt Jaclyn!

Let Them Eat Cake!

I inherited this lovely copper cake plate earlier this month. I used it for the first time to transport a cake to my Dad's house. We celebrated my Dad's birthday as well as Aunt Jaclyn's and Anne's. We had a fun time!

Grandpa Tim and Owen playing with the remotes

Aunt Jaclyn and Jimy sitting cozy on the couch

Owen helping Grandpa Tim blow out the candles

Opening Presents:


Getting ready to go! Bye -Bye!

Kelly striking a pose in front of Grandpa Tim's new truck

Monday, September 21, 2009

Surfin Sarfai

Surfin - Owen's new favorite past time!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Air Show

We got a couple of free tickets to the air show this past weekend and decided to go check it out. Last time we went to the air show was in 2006 and Owen was in my tummy :-)

It was a bit windy so I gave Owen my sweatshirt jacket. He loved running around and checking out all the airplanes, helicopters, and other vehicles.

Above, me pregnant with Owen in 2006
Below, big boy Owen in my lap!

Playing with the seat belts, Owen's second favorite activity, he went from chair to chair checking out all the seat belts. His favorite activity, the bounce houses of course.

Below, Daddy & Owen watching this airplane get ready to take off. We all wore ear plugs to protect our ears. Some of the planes, especially the jets, were very loud.

A team of parachuters jumped out of a large plane and this plane drew circles for them to jump through. It was really neat. As the jumpers neared the ground it was announced that one of them was flying the American Flag. We all stood with our hands over our hearts while a 7 year old little girl sang the Star Spangled Banner and the parachuter came in for his landing.

Above, the mini UPS truck was so cute and fun to play in.
Below, this horse was super friendly. Owen was munching on some grapes and the horse kept nudging him with his nose as if to say, "Share your grapes please."

The bounce house play center was a big hit with all the kiddos!

A couple video clips: