Sunday, March 1, 2009

March For Babies

A message from our friend Natalie Hand:

In 2006, my son Chase was born at 34 weeks (six weeks too soon). I was unable to have him bedside, like every other mom, because he spent five days in the nursery. So when I started getting contractions with my next pregnancy, at 32 weeks, I was really scared. Thankfully, due to medication and bed rest, I was able to hold baby Kaylee in an extra two weeks longer than Chase, but she was still four weeks early.

The doctors cannot explain why either one of my babies came prematurely, so I continue to support the March of Dimes charity in hopes of one day being able to prevent premature births at a minimum.

There are so many stories that touch my heart; I feel so fortunate to have two healthy children.

One day... all babies will be born healthy.

Today... too many moms and families know the heartbreak of having a baby born fighting to survive.

The March of Dimes has changed the name of its biggest event to March for Babies. It's a great change because it makes it very clear exactly who we are walking for -- all babies. It′s very exciting to be a part of the “first” March for Babies!

Although the name of this signature event changed, the mission did not. The March of Dimes champions the needs of moms and babies in our community and across the nation.

The money we raise for March for Babies will help:

- support all-important research offering preventions and solutions for babies born too soon or with birth defects
- educate women on things they can do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby
- provide comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care
- push for newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant women and children

Please help by donating today!

It's easy, safe and secure - just click to make your donation

The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

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