Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks......In no particular order

I am thankful for all the people in this life that I love and thankful that most of them, despite my quirks, love me back!

I’m thankful for the privilege of being a wife and a mother. Soooo thankful for Aaron and Owen! Love my boys!

I’m thankful for a roof over my head and food in my belly.

I’m thankful to live in the United States of America.

I'm thankful for fun. :)

I am thankful that I am free to openly love and worship the one true living God and I am sooooo thankful for His presence in my life!

I am thankful for chocolate. ;-D

I’m thankful for my parents who raised me in households that loved the Lord, where I was safe, valued, and cared for. (and they continue to take care of me too!)

I’m thankful for forgiveness and grace.

I’m thankful for central heat and air.

I’m thankful for education.

I'm thankful to my body for getting me out of bed every morning and continuing to go, go, go!

I’m thankful that my husband likes my cooking and finds it totally amazing that I can make a meal out of seemingly nothing in the fridge or pantry.

I'm thankful for my sense of community and belonging.

I am thankful for jeans that fit!

Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat

This year's costumes:

Sorcerer Owen

Good Witch, Mama. Cackle, Cackle!

Dr. Daddy McDreamy ;-)

Halloween Night!

Jake, Hailey, Taylor, Owen, and Aaron at the market

V-4's House!

Owen getting ready to go trick or treating! Yes, he has a glow stick up his nose...

Trick or Treat!

This is fun!

We're not sure what the kiddos enjoyed more, trick or treating or passing out candy. Either way it was a super fun Halloween night!!

October Highlights

Pumpkin Carving

Fright Night at the Gym

Stick -er- Treat

The strollerfriends mommies have been pitching in to keep our meet-ups going strong! Tasha hosted a sticker treat at her house this year. Owen was more interested in passing out stickers than collecting them, lol. Still, we had a fun time seeing everyone!

Owen passing out stickers!

Hmmmm, What should I give out next?

Some time to play :)

Baking smiley face Halloween cookies with Grandma Brenda

BOO Shakes!


Preschool Costume Parade and Party

Sorcerer Owen

Grandma Brenda joined us for some preschool Halloween fun!

Circle time

Lining up for the parade

Time to parade!

The wind is trying to blow my hat off

attempt at a group photo, lol!

time to party!

the kiddos getting their treat bags

pumpkin bowling! super fun!