Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Patch School Field Trip

Owen's first school field trip was to the Fog Willow Pumpkin Patch and farm. We got to pick out a pumpkin, ride in a tractor pulled hay ride, and see all kinds of farm animals. It was a super fun morning!

Pumpkin Pick'in

So excited for the hay ride!

Grooming and feeding a sheep

Petting a bunny. We also saw a donkey, pony, alpaca, cow, some chickens, and goats.

It's time to play! Bouncing on the straw covered trampoline with friends and preschool director Mary!

I'm king of the mountain!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Apple Hill

We braved the chilly weather to visit Apple Hill along with our friends the V-4! It was so much fun and we got lots of yummy apples to munch on!

Look at the baby apples :)

Time to pick out some pies....mmmmm.....yum

We all loved feeding the goats

Pony rides

The guys taking a "Man Moment" at the BBQ Smoke house!

My cutie bug pretending to be a squirrel!

Super fun day!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Favorites

The Mom's Group I attend over at FBC has a Fall Favorites meeting. At this meeting everyone brings a favorite recipe and the dish for everyone to try. Over the years, this meeting has become slightly competitive. Nowadays there are categories and prizes. This was my first year participating and I entered my Mom's Crab Spread recipe. A recipe I loved as a kid and always get lots of compliments from as an adult. It did not disappoint! I won 2nd place in my category!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Making Faces

Silly Faces

Monster Faces

Rock 'n Roll Faces

Ghost Garden

Bulb Planting

We took a bulb planting class with our friends, the V-4, at a local nursery. It was super fun and we are looking forward to some beautiful blooms in the spring!

Checking out what's in their buckets

Bucket heads!


It's time to plant!