Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blackberry Picking

Last summer we discovered Amber Oaks Farm. During the month of August families can visit and pick super delicious thornless blackberries! We had such a great time last year that we went twice this summer! Once at the beginning of the month and again towards the end to replenish our blackberry supply. ;-)

Blackberry Trip with Grandparents Gray

Owen can't wait to start picking and eating blackberries!

We usually fill one tray of full of berries. It doesn't seem like much while we're there but when we get the berries home it is A LOT!!

Grandpa Bruce, Grandma Lia, and Owen all working hard.

Homemade Blackberry Ice Cream - YUMMY!

Blackberry Trip with the V-4

Owen and Taylor



Hailey picking and Owen tasting!

Jake and Aaron having fun picking berries

Messy Face! Owen definitely likes eating berries more than he likes picking them.

Purple tongues!

Look at all these berries!

We're all done!

I'm A Princess

Owen is getting lots of tips on how to be a proper Prince from his girly girlfriends, Hailey and Taylor. These days whenever I wear a dress he says to me, "Is that your Princess dress?" Then he insist I twirl around. After a proper twirling he'll ask me to dance slow like in Cinderella. Melt....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Owen's Thoughts on The First Week of Preschool

Day 1

At Breakfast:

Owen - "Mommy who is coming to our house today?"
Mommy - "Hailey, Ava, Chloe, Giulia, and Taylor."
Owen - "And Lex!"
Mommy - "No Sweets, Lex isn't coming to our preschool."
Owen - "Why?"

Setting up the map:

Mommy (pointing) - "This is the United States, and see this edge? This is where we live." (Correctly this time Tammy & Aly ;-)

Owen (pointing) - "And this is Cinderella's castle! Where she lives!!"
There is a Castle icon in Europe
After preschool:
Aly - "What was your favorite thing you did at preschool today?"
Owen - "Hopscotch!"
Hailey - "When Kelly traced me."

Owen and Hailey doing puzzles
During dinner:

Daddy - "What was your favorite thing you did at preschool today?"
Owen - "Sing Mother Goose Time."
Mommy - "Seriously?"

Before bed cuddle:
Owen - "I want to talk about my day."
Mommy goes over the events of the day
Owen - "We need another boy."

Day 2

At breakfast:

Mommy - "Next week we will go to preschool at Tammy's house!"
Owen - "Mommy which house has the preschool with all the boys?"

Looking at bugs

Rainforest "glue stick" craft

Tree Frogs climbing my windows!
After Preschool:
Mommy - "What was your favorite thing we did at preschool today?"
Owen - "Nothing!"
Mommy - "You didn't like anything we did at preschool today?!?"
Owen - "What was your favorite thing we did today?"
Mommy - "Be with you."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Owen's First Day of Preschool!

Today was our first day of preschool - so exciting! Owen loved getting everything ready for our first day of school. Our first unit is about the Rainforest. As you can see below, Owen has on his Safari hat and is ready to go learn and explore!

I think all the kiddos had a fun time and I hope they learned a little something! I'm so proud of all of them. Being away from their Moms, sharing toys, listening, and sharing the teachers attention can be really tough but they all did a great job!

Welcome to Mother Goose Preschool:


Owen and Hailey





Monday, August 17, 2009

Memory Lane

Today is our Wedding Anniversary! Every year around this time I start feeling nostalgic about our life together - how we met, our wedding, life after Owen. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, amazing child, and a beautiful happy life!

Life in Chico:

Left to right, top to bottom: Dave Matthews concert, ballroom dance night, academic achievement dinner, Happy Halloween - Groovy Baby Austin Powers and Miss Kensington
Center: Great America Trip

Our Wedding Day:

Left to right, top to bottom: One of our favorite pictures, You may now kiss the bride, Our family, Cupcake wedding cake topped with bride and groom chocolate covered strawberries
Center: Peek - a - Boo

Life in Sacramento:

Left to right, top to bottom: Our first house, Argh! Happy Halloween Pirates, We're pregnant - I surprised Aaron and all our parents at Aaron's birthday dinner, Weeks from delivery
Center: We're a Family!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Toilet Humor

A recent conversation between Owen and I while in the bathroom:

Mommy - "Owen are you all done going potty?"

Owen - silence

Mommy - "Owen did you finish pushing all the poo-poo out of your bottom?"

Owen - "No Mommy, I'm still full of poo-poo."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mother Goose Preschool

Summer has flown by and the first day of preschool (for both Owen and I) is about a week away! Owen is so excited to start school, " just like the big kids," he sees when we are out and about.

We're participating in a home school co-operative preschool with four of our mommy friends and their five little girls. Yes, Owen will be the only boy in our preschool.

We are using Mother Goose Time curriculum we purchased online. Each mommy will take a turn hosting preschool in her home and being the teacher for two days for one week every four weeks.

Below, is our Traveling Bulletin board that the mommies made together. As you can see it holds the letters, numbers, shapes, and colors we will be focusing on each month. Also, the weather puppet and monthly calendar. It turned out so cute!

The first week of school is at our house! Wish us luck!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Got Zucchini?

Organically grown in Grandpa Bruce's garden!

Cereal Necklaces

We attended a "Make your own cereal necklace" play date with StrollerFriends. Owen LOVED it! I had a bit of trouble at first getting him to make the necklace. He wanted to eat the cereal! Once he realized he could eat the cereal off the necklace he was thrilled.

Owen munching on cereal

Cameron with his cup of cereal

Cutie girl Taylor eating her necklace

Monday, August 3, 2009


I'm starting to dislike this word.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

BBQ Pizza

Aaron got all fired up (pun intended) to make and bbq pizza! We picked up some pizza dough and toppings at Trader Joe's, came home, and Aaron and Owen went to work. They experimented with crust thickness, whether or not pre - baking is required, and cooling first or straight to the grill. They also cooked one traditionally in the oven for comparison purposes. Needless to say I've sampled a lot of pizza tonight! So yummy!!

Our favorite was crust pre-baked in the oven, cooled to room temperature, then topped and put on the grill!